Captions: Top: Joseph and Kelly Pezzano at the dinner before the installment ceremony at Caesarea Lodge No. 64, in Keyport, on Saturday. Bottom: Past Master Don Porter and Keyport Mayor Rob Bergen himself a master mason, before the event.
KEYPORT (Monmouth County, NJ) -- Caesarea Lodge No. 64, Free and Accepted Masons, conducted its annual Installation of Officers on Sat., Dec. 8.
During 2008, Middletown resident Joseph W. Pezzano was elected to serve as the lodge's worshipful master. He succeeds Timothy Tuohy, Hazlet, at the post.
Among other dignitaries at the event was Keyport Mayor Robert Bergen, who is also a master mason.
Pezzano is employed as a police lieutenant by the Keansburg Police Department. He became a mason in 2002, and this is his sixth year at the Caesarea Lodge, Osborn Street. "I am looking forward to this being a great year for the lodge. I am especially looking forward to being involved in the community of Keyport," Pezzano said.
At the installment, Pezzano was accompanied by his wife, Kelly, and his three sons: Joseph, Nicholas and Michael Angelo, among others.
In addition, other officers for 2008 were appointed: Brian Hetsko, senior warden; Walter Davis, junior warden; Martin Spracht, treasurer; Robert Poling, secretary and historian; William Franklin, proxy to the Grand Lodge and senior deacon; Gilbert Maymon, chaplain and organist; Scott Young, junior deacon; Robert Fanning, senior master of ceremonies; Kevin Miller, junior master of ceremonies; Robert Stone, senior steward; Richard Pyburn, junior steward; and Welton Assis, tyler.
Donald Porter is a former master of the lodge, who said, "I do look forward to the traditions being passed during the installment ceremony every year."
The Caesera lodge was constituted in 1865 and meets the first and third Mondays of the month. For additional information, call (732) 739-2212, or go to the Web site at: www.caesarealodge64.org.
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