I had one of the more interesting interviews today. I was going to meet with Matt Morehead, Middletown, 27, chairman of the Monmouth County Bayshore Young Democrats; and John Swift, Spring Lake, 21, president of the Brookdale Community College Democrats. The two groups have joined forces and are going to be addressing affordable housing issues in Middletown.
Instead of just Mr. Morehead and Mr. Swift showing up, Mr. Swift's executive board for his club, which includes: Vice President Evan Melendez, 19, Old Bridge; Public Relations Coordinator Karissa Borrelli, 21, Howell; Media Correspondent Ashley Drager, 20, Hazlet; and Eddie Peteet, 21, Old Bridge, showed up with the two gentlemen.
The editorial about the town issue is going to be coming out this next edition. But, what was startling was the decided and determined nature of these young people. The group indulged me with a few questions.
I asked, with a show of hands, who became involved because of Barack Obama. Most of them are involved with politics today because of him. Actually, Mr. Swift, who is without doubt a young leader to watch in Monmouth, was a Republican until college. Consequently, he said that with broadening his horizons he discovered he was a Democrat.
Moreover, I asked how many people receive their primary political information from Facebook, MySpace, blogs and YouTube. All but one said those were primary places for obtaining information.
The Brookdale Dems are about 20 students strong. According to Mr Swift, it is a club on the rise. With what I saw, I believe it. The cooperation between Mr. Morehead's group and Mr. Swift's is amazing.
One of the young people there made his motivation clear: "I'm not fond of corrupt politicians."
This group of young people said they are going to make a difference (not I did say 'hope to'), and they intend on getting involved locally.
Frankly, I think this was the most refreshing display of true concern for government and change for the better I have ever seen from young people. This includes my own youth, when the only thing young people were voting on was their favorite hair band. If I have any heroes in local politics these days, it's these kids.
As for Mr. Morehead, this is a leader who is going to be around for a long time. Furthermore, he is not a leader like those 20 years ago, or maybe even 10. He's something new and he's going to make a difference, in my opinion.
If this is the effect that "Hope" has on young people and, apparently, in this country -- then I'll vote for it. This country needs inspiration, maybe more than anything else now. There's not that much of it out there. These kids are inspirational.