Everyone should have the right to defend their point of view, because that is what America is about. But, I think that Rep. Holt is making the kind of name for himself during this proposal process that, in the long term, may harm him unnecessarily on a political level.
I think what Gov. Corzine is trying to do, on a theoretical level, is very noble. I strongly disagree with his plan, though do believe in his commitment to the state and its residents. Yet, his plan is absolutely fraught with peril for taxpayers. There are way too many 'ifs' in this plan, which hardly makes any promises carved in stone after the 800 percent hike in tolls it advocates.
In my opinion, New Jerseyans have made enough sacrifices for too long. It's time to cut government, cut governmental spending permanently, cut deeper than just layoffs and the like, and really make state government as small as possible. This experience should be replicated on every level, and the excess that New Jersey governments are famous for cut to shreds. Then it might be time to talk about some added measure to curb state debt. Neither party in this state is good at saving money, truth be told, and neither can be trusted to be the cavalry coming over the hill.
The first people to sacrifice should be our elected officials -- their pay, their benefits -- for each and every elected person in this state. And then, when sacrifice is more than a punchline for our elected people -- and only then -- let's talk about hikes, though toll road hikes are probably just not the way to go. These hikes would kill business, no matter how politely the plan is put.
It is good that Gov. Corzine is personally trying to sell this plan. It speaks well to his conviction about the plan and his commitment to transparent government. But, stump this project as loud as he may want to do, I just don't think this dog is going to hunt.
I think Rep. Holt is making a mistake picking this fight to wage, and I certainly hope this doesn't come back to haunt him in elections to come. Everyone makes a mistake. I really believe this is Rush's.
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