New Jerseyians sometimes do not treasure enough the wealth there is in the state. Among those neglected treasures is Cape May. The city is packed with hundreds of thousands of visitors during the summer. But, during the winter, the emphasis is on the quieter side of an already quiet town.
Is it cold? You bet! But if you're hearty, make the time to take the time. The Ugly Mug Bar, one of the best known in the Garden State, is centrally located in the mall. Its atmosphere is friendly and the food is good. There are great sales on in the numerous shops throughout the area and the bed and breakfasts that are open can be had for below-season rates.
Meanwhile, there's always the ocean and that's always both free and spectacular. About shopping, are there sales? Yep. O plenty.
For information about the area, go to Cape May's weekly newspaper, The Cape May Gazette, at http://www.thecapemaygazette.com, or click on the headline and go directly there.
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