The FEMA moratorium legislation being sponsored by Rep. Frank Pallone, D-NJ, needs support in Washington, D.C. and at home. The FEMA maps constitute a real danger to homeowners where it involves unnecessarily paying for flood insurance, in some cases, or paying far too much in flood insurance, in other cases.
The legislation being proposed by Rep. Pallone is absolutely necessary for the Bayshore. Letting FEMA know that this area will not put up with being arbitrarily picked out for this unnecessary form of federal abuse is important. I think calling U.S. senators Bob Menendez (202-224-4744) and Frank Lautenber (202-224-3224) and making it clear this area supports Rep. Pallone's bill and efforts is also important.
The reason that elected officials are supported politically, in the first place, is for them to address issues like this FEMA thing. No public official, regardless of party, that is not a part of the solution for this issue, in my opinion, deserves public support come election time in the Bayshore.
I know there is an effort under way, starting with Union Beach Councilman Charlie Cocuzza, to get Bayshore communities to send resolutions supporting Rep. Pallone's measure to our U.S. senators and various other agencies.
I give Councilman Cocuzza a lot of credit for working in a bipartisan manner to try and beat the clock in the FEMA issue. The Bayshore is a highly political place. However, when it floods it will get wet in Republican households just like it will Democratic ones. This is a time to be focused on getting something done, and Councilman Cocuzza is doing just that.
To go to Sen. Menendez's Web site, click on the headline.
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