Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sampsell takes part in Pilcrow Litfest

Caption: Portland, Oregon writer Kevin Sampsell is taking part in the Pilcrow LitFest, in Chicago.

Portland, Oregon resident Kevin Sampsell is among the more than 60 authors taking part in the Pilcrow Lit Fest, in Chicago, held between May 22-25.

Sampsell currently has a book out, titled "Creamy Bullets," published by Chiasmus Press, in Portland. This is the author's latest work, a notable previous work being "Beautiful Blemish," published by Word Riot Press, in Middletown, New Jersey.

Professionally, Sampsell works at Powell's Books, in Portland, Oregon. Sampsell also runs a micro press, called "Future Tense Books." He is 41 years old and a dad to a 14-year-old son.

He discussed the impact of being a father on his work. Sampsell said, "Being a dad has opened up the door for a lot of experiences at various emotional levels as a writer that I am much more aware of as a parent. I don't really subscribe to the whole thing where people say after you have a kid your whole life changes. But there is a certain parts of that statement is true. You do become more emotionally vulnerable as a human being. If I didn't have a child, I would probably have a more selfish outlook on life."

Sampsell just arrived yesterday, but said the festival is going well. "There are a lot if interesting panels going on. It's great seeing a bunch of friends. One of the things I do at Powell's is run the small press there. So coming to something like this I know a lot of people."

For more information about Mr. Sampsell's work, click on the headline or go to his site at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Kevin Sampsell blogged!

The Inside Clamdigger, thanks for the Sampsellianic bloggage.

Looking forward to reading Creamy Bullets.