Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It's a good thing Edwards didn't get the nod

Sen. John Edwards was a popular choice by many Democrats when they considered their presidential options for this year. He is articulate, has a good record legislatively and knows how to communicate well to mass media, among other virtues. But what possessed him to enter into a national-level race of any kind with this mistress and "love child" issue hanging around his neck?

Sen. Edwards was busted by the National Enquirer recently and this very private situation became public. Funny how those things tend to happen when you are a public person who represents your state in Washington DC who then tries to run for president.

What would have happened if he had gotten the nod over Sen. Obama? What was in his mind on this one? Someone is either able to run for president or not. He should have known better.

Click on the headline to go to the NY Post's Page 6 to see the story about Edwards.

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