Monday, August 11, 2008

Rielle Hunter is critical of Elizabeth Edwards

Rielle Hunter is the woman at the center of the Sen. John Edwards scandal. In an article in the NY Daily News, Ms. Hunter is quoted as saying some negative things about Mrs. Elizabth Edwards.

What the heck is that all about?

According to the Daily News story, Ms. Hunter had a real ambition to be rich and famous. Well, I suppose those aren't bad goals. But is this the best way to do it? I'm thinking it isn't.
For the record: Elizabeth Edwards has been an incredible example for those struggling with cancer. There's no call to be running her down. It's just unnecessary.
Click on the headline and go to the story at the NY Daily News.

1 comment:

Downtowner said...

To the blogger who left a comment. I cannot confirm those things about that individual so cannot present that here.

Please do participate, but short of making that level of accusation, thank you.