Mrs. Guadagno's resume is very impressive. She holds a juris doctor degree from the American University in Washington DC., and has significant experience on the frontline against crime. Mrs. Guadagno has worked for the U.S. Marshal Service, and, working for the U.S. Attorney's Office, prosecuted several organized crime family members.
She has lived in Monmouth for 17 years and knows the county well. Mrs. Guadagno is a clearly competent, qualified and energetic candidate who has a number of fresh ideas and plans to continue the five-star agency Monmouth County Sheriff Joe Oxley has created over his 12-year tenure.
Mrs. Guadagno is running against Belmar Police Chief Jack Hill. I will be interviewing Mr. Hill in a week or so. Mrs. Guadagno's feature will be appearing in next week's Courier.
On a personal note, after interviewing both Mr. Hill and Mrs. Guadagno, I find it refreshing that the county has two strong, talented people, each of whom are a credit to this county. Of some comfort is that each of them are intent upon continuing another distinct legacy Sheriff Oxley leaves, which is the one whereby Joe kept politics at arms' length during his time in this important county post.
If every race had candidates this strong in both parties, Monmouth would be a better place.
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