Democratic Candidate for Sheriff Bob Holden from Oceanport called me. He is one of four people seeking the Democratic nomination at the mini convention being held on March 31, at Branches. He is a 1971 graduate of Monmouth College, in West Long Branch.
He graduated from Vermont Law School in 1977 with his juris doctor degree. Among his experiences, he was a miner in Colorado for a brief stint, between 1972-73. Holden served as an Oceanport councilman in 2004, serving an unexpired term of office. He owns a law practice that specializes in criminal defense and estates.
But he has served as an assistant prosecutor in towns throughout Monmouth County, including, among others: Highlands, Sea Bright, Neptune and Middletown. In addition, Holden has served as the assistant tax colelctor in Long Branch. Holden believes he would make an excellent administrator for the county's jail, radio room and Sheriff's Office. He said he would also be very strong in the civil part of the job, which involves serving warrants and civil complaints. Some specific ideas that Holden has is creating more interlocal agreements to stop the duplicatoin of effort with municipalities, and greater outreach to county youths through the creation of innovative programs to address driving and alcohol-related resistance programs. Holden is contending against Belmar Police Chief Jack Hill, Hazlet Detective Glenn Mason and Ocean Township police Lt. Kevin Quinn for the nod.
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