Tuesday, March 27, 2007

King Tut and the Franklin Institute in Philly

I just booked a day trip to Philadelphia's Franklin Mint Institute to check out the King Tut exhibit for Sunday. The tickets are a little pricey, in my opinion, for something like this ($32.50 apiece, $3.75 service fee). There was a $7 audio headset option I went with too.

I'm going as a tourist and not using any media credentials to get in so I fully plan on writing whatever the real deal is about the exhibit and the way its run. But it looks like a great event, and that's how I'm going into it.

In my opinion, though, it's pretty hard to screw up a tourist experience when the promoter has a priceless treasure from antiquity. And, the Franklin Institute is known for putting on a class show. So, I am very much looking forward to checking this out.

For more information, click on the headline to go to the Web site.

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