One of the problems with government these days is that it isn't candid, to say the very least, but to say the most -- it just doesn't tell the truth. While the situation with Mr. Acker has yet to clarify itself, and a decision may or may not be announced with regard to his employment in the township, I guess that means I'm batting .500 so far on this one.
Click on the headline to go to the APP story.
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Herrschaft, Cindy <cherrsch@middletownnj.org>
Date: Oct 2, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Middletown Response
To: Alexis Nulle <alexisnulle@gmail.com>
Middletown Response
The following information is attributed to Township Administrator Robert M. Czech.
Thank you, Cindy Herrschaft, Middletown PIO
-- I have not received an offer from the county. There is absolutely no truth to the statement by Mr. Purcell that Mr. Acker was or is coming to Middletown. It was never even considered. Other than that, I have no further comment.
1 comment:
I think it is worthy to note that a law firm that employed Mr. Czech is also the law firm used to fight the construction debacles at the Banfield arts center.
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