Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John Tobia interview with The Courier

CAPTION: Monmouth County Dept. of Public Works Director John Tobia has been interviewed for next week's edition of The Courier.

I gave the John Tobia story to Courier Staff Writer Melissa Gaffney because she knew absolutely nothing about him and the background from last year. Consequently, she did learn about the controversy surrounding his appointment and his work beyond that. Frankly, it was startling.

Mr. Tobia has saved Monmouth County a lot of money -- into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. He gave a good interview, better than I thought he would. He was vey open and showed how he has saved taxpayers money. Mr. Tobia consented to YouTube filming, and I think he did incredibly well there. Frankly, I would have had no problem finding Mr. Tobia's faults as head of county public works and putting them out there as big as I could. But, there weren't any. He's good at what he does, and he is increibly competent. Monmouth County has been the better for his tenure thus far.

Melissa Gaffney will have the article next week in The Courier (we ran out of time and space in the paper) but will have the YouTubes posted and some commentary at her blog, Sable Minded. Click on the headline to go there.

1 comment:

Melissa Lauren said...

Videos are up!