“Independence Day is a perfect time to reflect on our nation’s monumental past, to celebrate our present accomplishments and to contemplate how to secure an even better future for our children. On this day we are reminded that we must never take our freedoms for granted, and that we must continue to make the American Dream possible for everyone.
“Independence Day also serves as a reminder of the heroism of the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and who have allowed this nation to become and to remain independent. Throughout American history, our country has depended on the service of our brave men and women in uniform to protect our freedoms. We salute their sacrifice and show our deepest appreciation – not just on this day, but every day.
“I wish everyone a safe, happy and fun July 4th weekend with their loved ones, and in particular, I will be thinking of our men and women serving overseas this Independence Day.”
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