Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Post-Standard: NY measure would end political welfare for lawmakers
This is a county level measure and something that at least one legislative candidate, Pat Walsh from District 13, has been talking about. If this is not the future, then it should be.
Click on the headline and go there. It's worth the reading.
Corzine to use helicopters to get around
In the third paragraph of the brief, though, it states: "With gas prices soaring in spring 2006, Corzine said he wanted to get rid of his State Police-driven SUV in favor of a smaller, more fuel-efficient car. But following a near-fatal car crash in April, he now seems less eager to push the issue."
Well, if Mr. Corzine can't get around in reasonable transportation on public money, then maybe he should consider hiring something private to do so and not helicopter rides on the public dime. In the meantime, Middletown Administrator Robert Czech was issued the exact same make of vehicle the governor uses, which is a Tahoe SUV, for his 24-hour use.
This is a waste of taxpayer dollars in Middletown. He should have a fuel-efficient and reasonably priced sedan, if anything. In reality, a township administrator should not receive an form of free car, in my opinion. It is an unnecessary expense for taxpayers. The job pays enough for him to buy and operate a car.
Monday, July 30, 2007
NJ.com posts column by Amy Gottlieb about immigration
As an American, I can understand why Americans are upset that foreigners try to circumvent laws to come into this counttry, take jobs away from Americans and absorb benefits. But this problem is far more pervasive and widespread than I believe media communicates. A former Harlingen, Texas resident who has done stories about immigration in the 80s, I had seen local, state and federal authorities struggling with this chronic problem 20 years ago. It was not for wont of effort or expertise that the U.S. Border Patrol or INS (as it was known then) failed in this goal. They were swamped. Just the Southern Texas leg of this problem boggles the mind when it comes to the sheer number of Central American people who enter the U.S. illegally.
Yet, in fairness, the life these people are fleeing is terrible and, if the shoe were on the other foot, I may do the same if circumstance made me desperate enough (e.g. fleeing corrupt totalitarianism for a better future for myself and my family). Our respective families came to America, and some had these very reasons. Nevertheless, especially when entering a new country, its laws should be observed or there have to be consequences. But this is not an academic exercise. What these illegal immigrants go through to get to this country is, in some cases, a nightmare beyond description (being victimized by traffickers known as coyotes, among others).
This issue is a growing one, and I suppose it isn't going to be on the backburner anymore. There is going to be trouble about this situation, and I really do not believe I have heard a good solution to this issue. A major roadblock to solving this, I think, is that it is difficult to translate the border country in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California to the rest of the country. Without having a real sense of the mechanical problems of stopping illegal immigration, I do not think a satisfactory answer is going to show up. Perhaps if the Army were deployed in great strengths (an infantry division or better along each border state?), augmenting existing border units and agencies, it would actually put a dent in illegal immigration.
Flimsy fences or giving amnesty doesn't seem to make sense. And right here in Central New Jersey, Monmouth County, illegal immigration is an issue. Where's this one going? No idea but I don't think it's going to get solved right now. Still, a good piece by Ms. Gottlieb. Click on the headline and go there.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
MLB: Not the game it was or could be

Pitchers are so specialized it's a joke. The complete game is a dinosaur stat. Free agency has evolved into a mercenary practice whereby team loyalty is comical. The addition of expansion teams has watered down the talent level it requires to become a major league player. Games are played so kids can't watch them. Steroids has enhanced the abilities of players to put up freakish stats because of their use. Hot dogs are $8 apiece. Beers are $9 apiece. Oh yeah, these ball players expect to hit the mint for every year in the sun.
All in all, in the MLB today, a good journeyman of yesteryear would be a superstar, because darn near everyone walking off the street today with a speck of talent hits the big time.
With that said, baseball is great. The teams are great. One day, maybe the owner and player problem will get solved.
Barry Bonds and his quest to top Hank Aaron

There is a great story in Sports Illustrated this month about Hank Aaron, on Page 41, titled "The People's King." Henry Aaron eclipsed Babe Ruth on April 8, 1974, with home run #715, in a shining moment while still a member of the Atlanta Braves. Aaron retired two years later, having knotted a career total of 755, closing his career with the Milwaukee Brewers.
Now onto Barry Bonds: Barry Bonds is a father, a taxpayer somewhere, and someone's son, husband and friend. He does not have a criminal problem. He is not profane. Vilifying anyone who is not a criminal is wrong, and should not be done. But as a baseball player, Mr. Bonds invites criticism because of his role in the sport.
On Arsenio Hall many years ago, he characterized himself not as a "ballplayer" to Arsenio, but as an "entertainer."
Well, there it is. I stopped watching professional baseball in 1994, after a previously life-long obsession with Major League Baseball. I watched guys who made a living but were generally not millionaires. I watched guys who signed autographs and enjoyed the game, just as if they were still kids. It is a great blessing to be able to play professional ball, on any level. But to be a big league player, that is an honor (which is now treated with great disregard and scorn by those who do it).
Barry Bonds may or may not have used steroids. There are certainly those who think he did. Maybe I would form an opinion about it, if I still watched baseball. I think what Mr. Bonds said about being an "entertainer" and "not a role model" all those years ago is true not only of him, but most of the major leaguers these days. Ball players these days might as well collectively have sent a note to the American public after the last strike that it's not a game anymore, first and foremost, but a business with no boundaries.
Fine. Good to know.
But before baseball was a business to every player, before it was a 'labor' for those who struggled with celebrity the sport brought, it was just a game...America's national pastime. People from everywhere in this country loved the game, because they would go to a field and watch baseball players do their best on the field. Well, that was then: Now, sports entertainers take to their stage and perform for their audiences.
Whether Barry Bonds hits 756 homers, stops now, or hits 1,000...he may reach Hank Aaron's numbers at the plate, but Hank "The Hammer" Aaron will always be the home run king in my book. This is not to vilify Mr. Bonds. He is from all observations an OK guy, if not a bit eccentric. Nonetheless, as baseball players go, he's the best sports entertainer.
Around the time I stopped watching baseball, I was doing public relations work on the side with a sports collectibles company, in New Jersey. I worked with one Hall of Famer in particular. The ex-diamond star made it clear about what he thought of the "fans" for me. This was a celebrated person who made it clear his public respect for fans, and even the sport, was a sham. Disappointed? Yes. Playing professional baseball is a gift. It is a reward for hard work, and it carries responsibilities. I think that was forgotten long ago, so the records pretty much stopped around 1994 in my book. But this Hall of Fame guy I am speaking of made me acknowledge that even some from the "Golden Age" of baseball thought the American baseball fan was a sucker; suckers who made this guy rich. I am not using his name because I do not want to disillusion anyone out there...he's a big name.
Yet, if the myth of the "Great Game" was (and is) only a myth...it was a good myth. That myth was great. And many ball players for many years lived up to the myth. For some players, their ability was greater than their judgment, their character or their kindness. But that is how the ball bounces. For me, the show is over, the credits have rolled and the lights are turned up: The ball players are being played by actors and it's not such a "Great Game"...it's just "Another Game."
Best of luck to Barry Bonds. Congrats on hitting more home runs than Aaron (when it happens). By the way, Henry Aaron is still going to be the home run king in my book, and Babe Ruth will always be No. 2. I am not disrespectful of Barry Bonds as a person, but of the way he and his generation (and those after) played and play the game and where they took the sport and where it is going. As ball players, they should be remorseful about what they did to this sport.
Barry Bonds' father...Bobby...now there was a player, when he was in his prime. Bobby Bonds may have had a shorter career, and a more obscure career, than his son. But Bobby Bonds didn't entertain. He played ball. He had problems...true...as people sometimes do. Yet he never turned the sport into a circus act.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Health concerns for reporters who worked at Ground Zero
9/11 Aftermath
Yahoo News! reports on 'utilikilt' phenomenon from Seattle

Yahoo News! reported about the "utilikilt" phenomenon coming out of Seattle. I tried to get the embed for the video but failed. In the meantime, I clicked onto the site for the company making them and recovered that. So click on the headline and go there.
Point: Social fads are a barometer about what's going on in our society. Some fads are interesting, and most are superfluous. But, every now and again, one turns up that's just funny. A little light-heartedness these days is not going to hurt anyone. In the meantime, though, an opinion is that this fad needs to die on the drawing board.
Caption: Town Hall in Philadelphia, Pa. Notably, no one on street level was wearing a kilt.
Menendez hails 9/11 bill's passage

July 27, 2007
CONTACTS: Afshin Mohamadi (Menendez) 202-224-4744
Cargo security provisions spurred by Menendez amendment and move to more risk-based homeland security funding included
WASHINGTON – Late last night, the U.S. Senate passed legislation implementing the remaining 9/11 Commission recommendations, thus sending it to the president’s desk. The bill includes a provision to scan 100% of cargo in a few as five years, which was spurred by Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D-NJ) successful cargo scanning amendment attached during the original Senate debate on the bill. The legislation also moves toward a more risk-based homeland security funding system, which stands to benefit first responders in New Jersey .
“This bill fills some major gaps in our security that were exposed three years ago by the 9/11 Commission but went unaddressed by the previous Congress,” said Menendez. “ New Jersey has the busiest port on the east coast, and we are fully aware that the current level of cargo scanning creates a major weakness for terrorists to exploit. I am proud to have helped move our country toward a 100 percent scanning system.
“As the nation’s most densely populated state, New Jersey has been losing out on valuable security resources to states that are nowhere to be found on the terror target list. We learned last week that al Qaeda has regrouped along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, which only heightens the need to protect our high-risk areas here at home.”
Menendez was able to attach the only cargo scanning amendment to the earlier Senate version of the bill, an amendment that required the Secretary of Homeland Security to report on efforts to achieve 100% scanning.
Regarding homeland security funding, the bill lowers the minimum amount every state, including low-risk states, receives to from 0.75% of the total amount to 0.35%, thus freeing up more money to be distributed based on risk.
# # #
Afshin Mohamadi
Press Secretary
Senator Robert Menendez
Caliendo hosts Democratic event in M'town

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo hosted an event at his township home on Daniel Drive this past Wednesday.
About 200 local Democrats came out for the mixer.
Dignitaries included county Democratic candidates: Jack Hill, for sheriff; John D'Amico and David Schueyler, both for freeholder; Amod Choudury, for clerk; Patricia Walsh and Robert Brown, for 13th District Assembly; and Sean Byrnes and Janet Moscuzza, who are running for Township Committee.
Other dignitaries included Middletown Committeeman Patrick Short.
"It's always great to get a chance to come to Middletown and get an opportunity to speak with people here," said Hill, who is also the chief of police for Belmar.
D'Amico said the county candidates have been working hard to spread their message of reform in Monmouth. "There is a lot of energy around the campaign and I am enjoying the chance to work with so many people who are dedicated to governmental reform," he said.
Caliendo appreciated that the candidates took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event. "This is the best slate of candidates I can think of to represent Monmouth. Every resident in this county will be fortunate to have this group of people representing them beyond November," Caliendo said.
Caption: Taken during the county convention: (L-R): Jack Hill, candidate for sheriff; Patricia Walsh, 13th District Assembly candidate; John D'Amico, candidate for freeholder; Leonard Inzerillo, 13th District Assembly Senate candidate; and Robert Brown, candidate for 13th District Assembly candidate.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Countdown to RU Football: 34 Days

Click on the headline to go to the RUTGERS FOOTBALL countdown clock on the RU Sports homepage. There is also some good off-season news about the team.
PoliticsNJ.com posts "Most Powerful" list

PoliticsNJ.com has posted a "power list" of 'most influential' people in politics within New Jersey. This list is an opinion by the folks over there. Taking a look at it, in my opinion, I find a lot of entries dated, others not necessarily on the mark and a few exaggerated. There are a few that look about right. But the insider stuff politically in this state is fundamentally distasteful, though watching it is a little like passing a car wreck you can't take your eyes off.
Click on the headline to see what's left on the road at PoliticsNJ.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
APP: Nursing home cat predicts when patients about to die
Middletown's Commerce Bank was robbed; man being sought
Prepared by Det. Lt. Joseph C. Capriotti
On Wednesday July 25, 2007 at approximately 1:38PM a branch of Commerce Bank located on Harmony Road in Middletown was robbed. The robber is described as a black male, stocky build, approximately 5’6”- 5’10” inches tall, wearing a baggy green and white striped shirt and dark colored baggy jean pants. After leaving the bank the actor was seen running north toward Bertha Road. A dark colored sport utility vehicle was seen leaving Bertha Road north on Harmony Road but it has not been determined if this vehicle is related to the robbery.
The actor approached the counter in the bank and handed a note to the teller demanding money. He fled the bank with an undisclosed amount of cash. No weapon was threatened or shown and no one was injured during the robbery.
Attached are two photographs of the suspect from the bank surveillance cameras.
The Middletown Township Police Department is asking anyone who may have seen this person or any suspicious vehicles near Commerce Bank is asked to call the Middletown Township Police Department at 732 615-2100. The Monmouth County Prosecutors Office and the Red Bank office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are also involved in the investigation.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Upcoming editorial addresses Rt. 36 flooding in Belford
NJ.com publishes piece about Newark riots
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Courier will be running story about Bayshore flooding
Scarlet Knights football schedule published
Monday, July 23, 2007
This morning, Courier staffer Scott Shanley and myself went out to survey the rain and what we found was better than normal conditions in Sea Bright, Highlands and Union Beach. Meanwhile, what appeared to be flooding was starting to become apparent on Leonard and Thompson avenues, respectively, in Belford. In addition, water was starting to significantly collect on Palmer Avenue, near the Route 35 intersetion, also in Middletown.
According to the Middletown police, at about 10:30 a.m., there is no flooding in Middletown as of yet. Above is a photo of a car driving through water at about 10:30 a.m. at the intersection of Thompson Avenue and Route 36.
Pilgrim Baptist holds upcoming HIV/AIDS event
Sunday, July 22, 2007
APP publishes piece about hurricanes

With that said, I think laying up some flashlights, batteries and maybe some extra water won't kill anyone. Since it might get used later on, you might be glad you did. Click on the headline and go to the article.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Holmdel bans dual-office holding
Friday, July 20, 2007
Bean pens piece about privacy in editorial
Good editorial by GM Exec. Editor Greg Bean this week Online. Click on the headline to go there.
Caption: Glass blower is not Greg Bean: This was a great attraction on Jamestown Island, Va., called the Glass House. The attraction is located in the vicinity of Jamestown Village and the folks there work pretty hard in some pretty tough heat.
Opinion: Voting patterns do not change randomly
Politics is not an easy thing to speculate about in Northern Monmouth County, among other places. Once a predominantly Republican area, Northern Monmouth is today seeing a shift in voting patterns that cannot be boiled down to a few arguments between individuals in partisan camps. Once-Republican strongholds like Matawan, Keyport and Hazlet have seen large increases in Democratic voting patterns, which eventually led to those communities having a new party with a majority of seats on the governing bodies there. Meanwhile, all of the towns in the Bayshore have traditions of strong Democratic representations.
There are bloggers and political people who will offer that spats between a few individuals within certain parties may have something to do with this shift at this time. I strongly disagree with the motivation for fundamental change and offer that the personalities involved on the inside of these parties offer little, if anything, of substance about the generalized movement of voters away from a one-party system of representation in this county, and in this area.
Anyone who believes what they write as opinion has the weight to sway even one informed person is thinking a bit much of themselves. Nationally and locally, the Republican Party has struggled at times. This is widely perceived as one of those times. At alternate times, the Democratic Party has struggled. It is the nature of democracy: Two opposing parties, acting in an adversarial way to ensure another system of check and/or balance.
Whenever things are not going well for any party, Democrats included, the inclination is to 'find blame.' So devout Democrats fume at certain public figures and publications when they are upset with the status quo and Republicans do the same. It is the way of the world, on every level of political life.
But Rush Limbaugh did not get George W. Bush elected, as much as he'd like to think he did. Meanwhile, Air America did not get Hillary Clinton elected as a United States senator in New York. In fact, most newspapers have given up the practice of offering endorsements of candidates because there is good research showing that newspapers cannot change anyone's mind about anything. Editorials serve to reinforce the existing ideas of some and offer dissenting ideas to others. Anyone who has made their mind up about any issue is likely to remain wherever they first arrived.
So what does change peoples' minds? I suggest it has something to do with their tax bill, their garbage getting picked up, the police and fire departments in their towns, perhaps the trend of the national dominant parties, or maybe it's all just the luck of the draw.
My opinion is that people vote for government that intrudes least, costs less and encourages commerce. In the Bayshore, home to a diverse group of middle- to upper-class families with a broad range of educational and vocational experiences, I think it is a bit much for anyone to put too much stock in any paper (let alone weeklies) to make much of a dent given the media carpet bombing every Bayshore resident receives daily as they wake up and trek to work.
If I were a Republican looking for why the GOP is more challenged this year than in those past, I might look to...the Republican Party and its elected and appointed people and how well or not these folks are: keeping taxes down, getting the garbage picked up, clearing the roads of snow, keeping out of peoples' lives, encouraging business and assisting police professionals and fire volunteers in protecting our communities. These things and not talking heads are what motivate voters.
What could Republican office holders do to secure their positions more comfortably in Northern Monmouth? Their jobs are great places to start, I think. The way it generally works is that if some party isn't doing something or a series of 'somethings,' then people can vote for the other party, to send a signal and to get desired public actions to happen. That is sort of the point of democracy. I think some people sell voters short. Political office is not an inherited right of kingship in the United States, it is a stewardship with serious responsibilities.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
NJ.com posts about seventh Harry Potter book

Well, today the new seventh book is out, and the "secret endings" on the Internet won't be all that sensational anymore.
Smith donates money to Highlands bridge group
CAPTION: Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes in the parking lot of the Spirits Unlimited, in Middletown, during filming of Clerks II.
Older drivers can be better than younger ones
Blue Jersey posts new report on civil unions
Shields interviews Asbury Park police chief
Yahoo News posts about steam in explosion

Click on the headline and go to Yahoo News.
CAPTION: Unrelated shot: "Seminary Row" in Manhattan. Pictured is Union Theological Seminary, located across the street from Riverside Church (nowhere near yesterday's problem).
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Vick faces suspension from federal charges
Walsh posts on Middletown Committee
Caption: The photo has nothing to do with the post. I just liked it a lot. The Victory Center at Yorktown is great if anyone has any ideas about vacationing in Virginia.
Upcoming story about Melissa Farmer and Erica Lopez-Mulligan

The death of Melissa Farmer, Union Beach, and Erica Lopez-Mulligan, Upper Freehold, was tragic. It took place on Sunday along the Parkway in Wall. Yesterday, Alyssa Passeggio and I went to Union Beach and spoke with some of Ms. Farmer's teachers and neighbors about her. We were unable to get in touch with her family, as of yet.
But it is clear that a very special and talented person was lost from our area. We did not have a chance to interview any of Mrs. Lopez-Mulligan's family or friends. But the loss of these two young ladies must be devastating to those who knew them.
The Courier has a feature about Ms. Farmer's life and untimely end coming out this week, including what we know about Mrs. Lopez-Mulligan. These were wonderful young people and stories like these never fail to evoke empathy for writers. Stories like these happen, but the young people who pass away always leave a big hole in families and communities. My sympathy to the Farmer and Lopez-Mulligan families.
If the newspaper is unable to get in touch with the Farmer family for this issue, then we are certainly open to a subsequent tribute celebrating Ms. Farmer's life later, when the family is more available. In the meantime, the sympathies from everyone at the newspaper.
The story about Melissa Farmer and Erica Lopez-Mulligan is not just another story to us.
Click on the headline for the APP treatment. Courier will be out on Thursday.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Benefit for Riley Franklin on July 21st
Middletown, NJ: Not in the top 100 anymore
Monday, July 16, 2007
INPRINT notes top Web sites
This was a national-level poll.
NJ.com was 28th in the nation, with 1,319,000 visitors, who spent 9 minutes each, during May. NJ.com was just nominally behind 24th-place winner Philly.com, which welcomed 1,485,000 unique visitors for 10 minutes each during the same period.
Note: I have looked on the NJPA site for an Online version of INPRINT and haven't been able to find it yet. But INPRINT has great information in it. Click on the headline to go to NJPA's homepage to check out the association...and maybe get a little luckier than I was finding an Online version of INPRINIT.
CAPTION: Just another picture from Williamsburg vacation...nothing to do with the story.
APP publishes piece on commercial fishermen

When it comes to the idea of recreational fishermen trying to take away business peoples' ability to earn a living...and it being taken seriously by government... that is the problem with business and New Jersey in the first place.
When will New Jersey's economy improve? When New Jerseyans take their economy seriously and stop discouraging business. In this case, we're talking about a discretionary limit on business, based on a desire by recreational boaters to enjoy an area more. When does that trump private sector commerce?
The commercial fishing business in this state has been brutalized by government regulation in this state for some years. This is just another thing area fishermen will lose. By the way, as our commercial fishermen are pushed out of local waters, so is a tradition dating back hundreds of years. Click on the headline and go to the article.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
APP writes good editorial about Sharpe James case
It would be wrong to try Mr. James in the media, as I am sure a legal venue will work just fine.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Rutgers Football dedicates a site to Heisman candidate
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Letter in APP discusses WTC air quality
Well, the air quality at the site was treated like some PR gimmick by the EPA, and Mrs. Whitman is doing a dance and should step up to the plate and accept blame. I don't think it was the White House's fault (even though she's saying things were re-written by the White House). Hey, she was the EPA chief.
She was the one with the job, the desk and the responsibility. Her putting the blame on anyone else, or side-stepping her role in this blunder that has harmed so many people is disingenuous at best.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rutgers Football gets Wilson's attention
TRT: McGreevey ex-wife comes to Red Bank
Burglary being investigated on Polly Way

Prepared by Det. Lt. Joseph C. Capriotti
The Middletown Township Police Department is investigating a burglary to a residence on Polly Way in Middletown that occurred some time between July 1st and July 10th while the residents were on vacation. Upon their return home they discovered the entire house had been ransacked and a vehicle in the garage had been vandalized with large scratch marks.
Corporal William Kennelly conducted the initial investigation which revealed entry to the home was made by forcing a locked window. The residents are in the process of compiling a list of missing item from the house. Detective Paul Shanley and Detective William Strohkirch are assigned to conduct the follow up investigation.
Catholic church comes out with a new ruling for faithful
I am sort of left with the impression that the writer, Mr. Phil Stewart, was looking for controversy. I think it's an important topic to read about, but also believe it could have been done a little less sensationally.
Click on the headline to go there.
APP publishes nice piece about Keyport
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sailboat stolen from backyard in Middletown
Prepared by Detective Lt. Joseph C. Capriotti
The Middletown Township Police Department is investigating the theft of a sailboat from the backyard of a home on Main Street in the Port Monmouth section of the township. The owner of the sailboat reported to Corporal Bernie Chenoweth that his sailboat was taken between the late evening hours of July 8th and early morning hours of July 9th. The boat is described as a 12 foot, white fiberglass Sunfish sailboat with Connecticut registration numbers affixed to the hull. Anyone who may have information about the theft of the sailboat is asked to call the Middletown Twp. Police Department at 732 615-2100. Detective First Class Jeffrey Barner is assigned to conduct the follow up investigation.
Wanted: Candidate releases
Goldstein pens story about potential rate hikes
In his story, Goldstein spoke with Philip Kirschner, president of the New Jersey Business and Industry Assn. Mr. Kirschner was quoted in the piece as saying, "We have been led to believe they are going to propose toll hikes that are close to inflation increases, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 percent to 4 percent. If that's true, reaction will be muted. Increases higher than that will be tough for both business people and residents to swallow. They will want to know what they are going to get for it."
The story appears on Page 3, and jumps to Page 10, and it's worth the reading. This is a well-researched and written piece that deserves some attention. Click on the headline to go to www.njbiz.com.
For Immediate Publication
July 9, 2007
POC: Joe Caliendo,
Chairman, Middletown Democrats
8 Daniel Drive, Middletown, NJ 07748
Tel: 732-299-6470/Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com
MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): Middletown Democrats for Township Committee Sean Byrnes and Janet
Moscuzza will be taking part in a press conference outside of Middletown Town Hall at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 16th.
The press conference will be taking place in the vicinity of the North Entrance to the Middletown Town Hall and will be hosted by Middletown school board member and 13th District Assembly candidate Patricia Walsh.
The public and media are invited to attend the press conference, which will be about 25 minutes long. Candidates will answer questions from the public and the press following their presentation.
Other dignitaries expected to attend include 13th District Senate candidate Leonard Inzerillo.
For more information, call Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo at (732) 299-6470.
Summer is going to be rocking in Atlantic Highlands

Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce combined forces this year with the Atlantic Highlands Council of the Arts to present the 3rd annual “Music on First”. The line up is a great so, Check it out – Write down the dates!
July 14th - Solo guitar- David Crowton, eclectic finger-style guitar
July 21st - Jazz--Sergio DuBois, piano and Gary Mazzaroppi, bass
July 28th - "Drifter"-Outlaw Country
August 4th - Country/Folk/Bluegrass --"Firelight", featuring Jeanne O'Neill,
Wendy Bartel and Jimmy Bentley
August 11th - Singer/Songwriter Mary McCrink, guitar/vocals
All music is free and provided for your entertainment as you stroll the Avenue and get to know the town.
Atlantic Highlands is the “Jewel of the Bayshore”. It houses many eclectic stores, great restaurants and a marina fit for walking with breathtaking views of NY. So make a point to enjoy an evening of fun and a family atmosphere like no other. There really is no other town like it on the
Monday, July 09, 2007
Blue Jersey posts on Al Gore
Moscuzza joins MT ticket
Middletown Democratic Candidate for Township Committee Janet Moscuzza at a recent Democratic event, held at the American Legion on Route 36.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
The Banfield Cultural Arts Center...yes, again

The Banfield Cultural Arts Center (2002-date): The project was begun when the Cultural Arts Commission pushed the purchase of the building, which happened to be owned by a major Republican contributor to GOP political campaigns. The building was pretty much falling apart, but the township bought it anyway and then-Mayor Rosemarie Peters declared the building "structurally sound." This was despite the fact that, after the building was bought, it was pretty much ripped apart and rebuilt.
OK, the plan was for private contributions to mingle with public money to make a venue in town that was supposed to have something to do with artistic culture (not plowing roads, not clearing branches from the street, not cleaning up public parks that have been rundown...culture). I want to make note that artistic culture isn't hard to find in this area: Broadway and most of the notable galleries on the planet are across the river, Red Bank is over the bridge, and the state theater (not to mention the George Street and Crossroads theaters) are all in New Brunswick (about a half-hour away).
So the private contributions didn't work out, and the town bonded for the whole thing(even though they have a ton of room they're already not using at Croydon Hall). The town says the total cost was like $6.5 million. But they aren't willing to talk about the legal fees it took for the town to build this (there was a lawsuit and some legal messes through the years). Thus, without reliable information (since the town won't give it) about how much money that part of the deal soaked up, some folks, myself included started thinking the whole thing was probably closer to $9 million. Of course, my mind is open about the legal fees and I could be wrong about that total number but since the government refuses to say how much money went into the legal part of this then it's hard to gauge.
Now, when Banfield was being built, some people (I was one) was asking for the business plan for the thing. Since so much public money was going into it, then I thought there must be a plan for the township to make that money back and then some because they took out a 30-year bond to pay for the construction.
But there was no business plan. Then, when it was opened, the town leased it to a community group for $1 a year. It employed someone from the township to be a director of some kind, and they gave the building a liquor license. The questions I've always had is why the taxpayer is paying for this, what are they getting out of it, who is paying off this note they took and why does anyone need liquor at this place?
After all that, just what was this Banfield thing good for? It was GREAT for Middletown GOP Boss Pete Carton's firm, which got the bonding, for the Republican contractors, lawyers and good ol' boys that turned a dollar. How does that save any taxpayer one buck or do one thing for the citizenry? It doesn't.
For questions I've raised about Banfield and some other stuff, people have had some hard things to say about me. Well, that's just how it goes. I guess I'm not going to be filling my refrigerator door up with Christmas cards this year.
Caption: An example of early American construction at the Jamestown settlement during the 17th century,
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Post pens piece about Miss New Jersey

The Internet and anonymity. It has been abused. It has caused hardships for people when abused. And an argument that it shouldn't exist, on many levels, has merit. But in banning anonymity with a broad brush, it's possible to throw the baby out with the bathwater. America has to be the freest nation on the earth, despite the abuses that will sometimes occur and have to be ironed out.
But in spite of the frustrations, we still live in America and everything that means (from 1776 to right now). Yet there must be a way for bloggers, posters and the like to face the accountability of their actions in a responsible way. I applaud Ms. Palumbo for not being a victim to this type of person and not surrendering a crown I am sure she worked very hard to win. And it is with the determination of people like her that this issue of Internet abuse will one day be laid to rest in a way that is reasonable and responsible.
Click on the headline and go to the feature in the NY Post.
Caption: This photo is from Colonial Williamsburg and has nothing to do with the post. I just liked the photo.
Democrats hold Chairman's Ball at Addison Park, Aberdeen

Friday, July 06, 2007
The Highlands Bridge: A hot topic in the Bayshore
The state Department of Transportation wants a bridge that's 30 feet higher. There is a movement by some in Highlands and Sea Bright to just refurbish the bridge that's there.
Some people are for the new bridge and some are against. My biggest problem with the bridge as it stands now is that any guy with a sailboat can weigh anchor and hold up traffic by having to have the bridge raised, creating a back up on Rt. 36. Adding 30 feet to the bridge would change that and allow for an uninterrupted traffic flow along Rt. 36.
I respect other peoples' points of view, but that's where I'm coming from.
Bowes pens piece about sign in Middletown
Courier will create Boardwalk archive this summer

The Courier is creating an archive about the Keansburg Boardwalk; a historical record that basically goes over the beginning of the attraction until today. The way we intend to do this is by locating historical records, news articles and by conducting interviews of people who have Boardwalk memories stretching back from more than 80 years ago to very recently.
After we've collected enough information, The Courier will create a Web site, which will basically be permanent. We'll add to it every few years. We could care less about politics associated with the Boardwalk or who doesn't want the Boardwalk recorded.
Long story short: The Keansburg Boardwalk is an invaluable part of Garden State history that has played a great role in the mystique of the Jersey Shore. How many people have had first dates there? Spent endless summers with their friends and family there? And had their lives wonderfully touched by this Jersey Shore staple? If area residents want to talk about it, our reporters will be creating a living archive, conducting digital recordings of favorite Boardwalk memories.
This archive has nothing to do with who owned what or did this or that. It's about the Jersey Shore experience the Boardwalk has to offer, and that's really about it.
People who want to take part in this can, if they don't then no one is going to be twisting anyone's arm. The project manager for this is Senior Reporter Scott Shanley, on vacation this week. But he can be reached by calling (732) 957-0070.