Look for upcoming interviews with both.
Convergence is about synergy, such as the synergy between printed editions and Web sites, or the features of the sites (e.g. blogs and digital video) with the Web site itseld. It takes a team of journalists and Web news people that understand the totality of this undertaking to effectively bring any operation into compliance with convergence theory.
Having pod casting, blogs or digital video alone does not constitute a strong Online operation. There has to be continuity between the various operations, in such a way that the news organization represented (insert name) is present in a constant manner.
Today, blogs are scattered throughout the Web, and there seems to be a blog for every day of the week. When a news operation is doing blogging well, then the blogs will feed traffic to the main site in a predictable way, because its format will be regulated after experimentation.
In its way, YouTube has also opened the door on the digital market wide open, in a random method that has piqued interest without formulating an effective model for news. But how does digital video get used in the most productive way? And what format will that be in?
So who does convergence well? Very few organizations. But it is through the use of multiple media (print, Online, Online video, Online audio) that a distinct, cogent new media will finally take its place – digital media. Not just the hardware and software of digital media, but digital media where the newspeople involved actually know what they are doing with it.
Right now, organizations like large dailies and some Online news sites are starting to understand the scope of what is editorially needed, but sometimes fail to understand that the printed medium is just another medium. Print is also the least durable, least circulated of any of the media that a newspaper with a Web site and various Web products has.
Understanding what works and what direction to travel in is something that occurs after the Online resources are in place. Convergence is not constituted simply by having Online assets, in my opinion.
If I have two cars sitting in the driveway, and one of the two people in a residence doesn't know how to drive, I may have two cars but the reality is that this statement hasn't found its way into reality yet. There is a car left unused in a driveway. So why have it in the first place?
Using these tools now in the future, in an effective way that will bring predictable results, is the mission of newspapers into the today and tomorrow. The Online tools being introduced these days are just beginning to render results that are predictable, and it is only in creating predictable conditions and obtaining predictable results that business and commerce, in any industry, can be transacted.
Refurbishing county trucks saves lives and money
FREEHOLD – The Monmouth County Department of Public Works & Engineering has saved the county an estimated $135,000 last year by refurbishing three older dump trucks and outfitting each one with safety equipment that protects roadside workers and motorists alike.
Motorists approaching a road-side work zone will see what is called an impact at
“I have seen where a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed will hit the impact at
“By refurbishing the older county dump trucks, we have found a more economical way to provide the same level of safety at county work sites for half the cost,” said Freeholder William C. Barham, liaison to the Public Works & Engineering department.
All work to retrofit the trucks is being done in-house by personnel from the truck and body shops, Tobia said. This year, the Department will outfit four additional older dump trucks with impact at
“I commend Department employees for their innovative approach to saving lives as well as county tax dollars,” Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry said. “This is especially important when you consider the fact that county taxes are not increasing this year. A job well done.”
A new impact at
“We are providing this level of roadside safety for about half the cost,” he added.
The event sponsored by the VFW Post 2179 and the Middletown Township Lions Club will benefit the New Jersey National Guard State Family Readiness Council. (NGSFRC).
With more than 3,000 New Jersey National Guard members being deployed in the Global War on Terrorism this year, the New Jersey National Guard State Family Readiness Council stands ready to provide financial assistance to the families of deployed Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen. The council works in conjunction with Family Assistance Centers located at National Guard facilities across the state to help the ‘Home Front Heroes’ during deployments.
Our mission is to work in conjunction with the Lawrence Township Lions Club and the American Legion Post 414, to perpetuate more financial assistance to the NGSFRC. They will be holding their breakfast at the Lawrenceville National Guard Armory in Lawrenceville NJ at the same time and date.
The headquarters for the New Jersey Army National Guard’s 50th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) that deploys in June 2008 is in Lawrenceville NJ. The deployment of this Brigade will be the largest mobilization of Garden State Citizen-Soldiers since World War II. Therefore, it is important for our Middletown Twp Lions Club to reach out to our centrally located communities to help in this endeavor.
The cost for the Support the Troops Pancake Breakfast is $10 for adults and $5 for children under 10. (Under Five FREE)
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to donate items for the breakfast or to donate monetarily to the event. A banner will be hung with names of all who donate.
For more information on how to show your support to our local troops or for advance tickets call LTC (Ret) Jim Guerrieri at 908-902-0371 or Mr. Bill Travis, Past Commander, VFW Post 2179 at 732-787-0999.