In the story, he said, "Burry was blunt in describing where the campaign's focus would be over the coming months. 'We're really running against (Gov. Jon) Corzine,' she said."
With respect to Freeholder Director Burry, I do not believe the GOP candidates are just running against the governor. There is a pattern of superfluous patronage and partisanship that is unacceptable (e.g. Malcolm Carton and John Tobia, among others) in Monmouth County, operating within the Monmouth County Republican Party and many of its candidates and office holders.
This patronage is costing this county money in high hourly rates and talent, in that unqualified and over-priced partisan appointments are the way things still happen in the county seat. What arm of the GOP someone operates within, and who is related to what GOP officer, is sometimes THE key factor in any county employment.
Yes, financially, this board did the right thing this year with the tax rate by not raising taxes -- now let's talk about cutting them. But a fundamental change to the approach of this government is necessary for Republicans to be the best choice for service on this board this year.
If anyone is able to say, 'That was then and this is now,' the idea that these kinds of appointments to office (or selection of firms) will continue to go on would be unacceptable to many, myself included. Personally, I am very interested to hear about how this isn't going to go on anymore, even if errors of the past cannot be dealt with (e.g. the money already wasted on partisan professionals).
Republican office holders may want to be nice, but they should do it with their own money and not the taxpayers'. I am sure there will be a position about this: I know I'll be asking the questions. I can only hope they are answered.
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