Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bayshore Young Dems take on COAH issue


April 11, 2008

For Immediate Publication

P.O.C. Matthew Morehead Chairman- Monmouth County Bayshore Young Democrats
639 West Front St., Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: (732) 693-1904

Middletown Fails To Pay For RCA With Red Bank

Middletown Township (Monmouth County, NJ) On April 11, 2008 Matthew Morehead, Chairman of the Monmouth County Bayshore Young Democrats announced that court documents relating to a Regional Contribution Agreement between Red Bank and Middletown were discovered by his organization while in discussion with the town leaders of Red Bank urging the town not to enter into any future agreements between the two towns.

The document discovered was docket number A-3326-04T3326-04T3, which was argued on January 9, 2007 before the Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division and was decided on February 28, 2007.

It was discovered that on March 13, 2000, Middletown filed a petition with COAH for substantive certification of an affordable housing compliance plan. One component of Middletown's plan was an RCA between Middletown and Red Bank, under which Middletown would transfer 98 units of its affordable housing obligation to Red Bank. On June 14, 2000, the Red Bank governing body adopted a resolution authorizing the execution of the RCA with Middletown.

Several years passed without payment from Middletown due to the fact that Middletown failed to complete a "Credits without Controls Survey" and objections to Middletown's compliance plan that could require mediation. On January 4, 2003 Red Bank's governing body adopted a resolution canceling its RCA with Middletown.

"This document reflects badly on Middletown's governing body," Morehead stated. "This is just another example showing Middletown's reluctance to live up to its constitutional obligation."

"The money that is wasted by Middletown's governing body in litigation would be better spent in providing its constitutional obligation of affordable housing to young adults and seniors. Where we would have the opportunity to receive state and federal funds," Morehead continued.

"The costs that Middletown's majority places on the taxpayers without any benefit are shameful," Morehead concluded. ###

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