Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Reminder: Bennett will be honored by NYTS

As a reminder, former 12th District State Senator (and briefly Gov.) John O. Bennett III. is being honored by the NY Theological Seminary this year at the Marriott Marquis, in Mid-Town Manhattan, on April 15. Click on the headline for the YouTube feature about it from NYTS President Dr. Dale Irvin.


Unknown said...


Dale T. Irvin said John Bennett is a former governor of NJ...

WoW, that's gnuz to me.

Downtowner said...

I do not know if Dr. Irvin's middle initial is T.

But I do know that Sen. Bennett was governor of the state of New Jersey for a few days.

For awhile there New Jersey was in-between governors. And, being governor is something that either someone was or they weren't. Sen. Bennett was.

Unknown said...

Oh: Geebus, I totally forgot about that, LOL.

Forgive me if this gets double posted. I'm new here and I'm not familiar with how it all works res posting.

Downtowner said...

No worries. Keep on coming. Input is always good.